Differences enrich us and make the company successful
König + Neurath employs people of different ethnic origin, skin color, nationality, gender, religion or ideology. Everyone has the same working conditions. No one is disadvantaged or favored - everyone is always treated with the same respect. As of December 31, 2023 employees from 32 nations were employed at König + Neurath.
König + Neurath‘s position is clear and described in the Code of Conduct (version dated 17.06.2024):
„Discrimination and harassment are not tolerated. No one may be disadvantaged, favored or harassed because of their ethnic origin, skin color, gender, nationality, language, religion or ideology, physical or mental limitations or other characteristics protected by law.
König + Neurath is committed to diversity and tolerance. We create a climate of appreciation and mutual trust by respecting others in their individuality, always acting openly and honestly and promoting and demanding individual and cultural diversity. We therefore do not tolerate any condescending, demeaning, insulting or otherwise disrespectful words or actions towards our colleagues.“
The König + Neurath Code of Conduct is binding for all employees of König + Neurath AG. A whistleblower system is available to all employees for reporting violations of our Code of Conduct or other knowledge of facts that do not comply with our legal or social obligations. Irrespective of this, compliance violations can be brought to the attention of the Management Board or the Supervisory Board, the immediate superior, the Works Council or the HR department.
The works council monitors compliance with employee rights and mediates in disputes. It is thus intended to ensure fairness between employees and the employer, but also among the workforce.
The Works Constitution Act describes the general tasks of the works council in Section 80. These include enforcing the actual equality of women and men, the integration of severely disabled persons and other particularly vulnerable persons, the employment of older employees in the company, the integration of foreign employees in the company and the understanding between them and German employees. Measures to combat racism and xenophobia in the company are also part of the works council‘s remit.
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König + Neurath AG
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Industriestraße 1-3
61184 Karben