König + Neurath works with all suppliers in a customer-oriented partnership. Our supplier relationships are characterized by longevity, competitiveness, quality and reliability. König + Neurath has a systematic and recurring system of supplier assessment and risk management. We also take into account aspects of environmental protection, occupational health and safety and human rights.
We check our existing suppliers every two years with the help of a supplier self-assessment. In this self-assessment, our suppliers must provide information on all relevant topics and substantiate this with evidence.
A code of conduct has been drawn up for all our business partners, which contains the principles of responsible corporate governance. All business partners must accept the code of conduct or have their own equivalent code of conduct. The code of conduct is based on national and international laws, stakeholder requirements, regulations and conventions, such as the UN Global Compact.
In the 2022/2023 reporting period, around 92% of suppliers (in terms of purchasing volume) were covered by the supplier self-disclosure system. There are no violations of the König + Neurath requirements or false declarations have become known.
In 2023, the number of suppliers amounted to 373. The proportion of suppliers based in Germany was 84.7% in terms of purchasing volume. In 2022, the proportion was 83.5%. This means that the high environmental and social standards in Germany also apply to the majority of our direct suppliers. The remaining suppliers are based in Europe, including France, Austria and Poland.
Contact us directly:
König + Neurath (UK) Limited
+44 20 74909340
Write us
Ground and Lower Ground Floor
75 Farringdon Road
London EC1M 3JY
We collect and process your personal information for the following purposes: Session assignment & Traffic analytics.