König + Neurath AG sets ambitious goals in order to improve their own sustainability performance on an ongoing basis. The table below provides an overview of these goals, planned action and the year in which implementation is scheduled.
Target | Planned measure | Yer |
Reduction in electricity consumption | Reduction of absolute electricity consumption at the production site by 5 % annually | consecutive |
Promotion of electromobility | Expansion of charging points for electric vehicles in the employee parking lot | 2024 |
Offer circular services* | Create transparency about the circular services we already offer today | 2024 |
Develop a concept for how we can further develop our circular services | 2025 | |
95 % certified sustainable wood origin | Further switch to sustainably certified wood from suppliers | 2025 |
Introduction of timber supply chain certification | 2025 | |
Detail environmental information at product level | Creation of life cycle assessment information for all main products | 2025 |
We will become a climate-neutral company (in terms of Scope 1 and 2) | Step 1: 100% green electricity with real climate benefits | 2027 |
Step 2: Switch to greenhouse gas-neutral energy sources (replacement of diesel/petrol, natural gas and heating oil). If this is not possible, then compensation for unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions through sensible compensation projects | 2027-2030 |
*By circular services, we mean services that keep our products in use for longer in order to reduce their environmental footprint and resource requirements.
Contact us directly:
König + Neurath (UK) Limited
+44 20 74909340
Write us
Ground and Lower Ground Floor
75 Farringdon Road
London EC1M 3JY
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