Our company policy is based on the tradition of the family business, combined with the values of PARTNERSHIP, RELIABILITY, DYNAMIC and AUTHENTIC.
Today and in the future, we strive for the quality of our products as well as the quality of our actions towards the environment, society, consumers, trading partners and our employees.
Every single employee is responsible for the quality of our products and processes. Quality thinking is an integral part of our corporate culture. This quality mindset is actively exemplified by all managers in order to achieve the set goals together with the employees.
We see ecologically aware and cycle-oriented action as a natural and essential part of corporate responsibility. We are committed to protecting the environment, improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions. By measuring important energy sources, we ensure transparent energy use and check the effectiveness of the measures implemented.
Our employees are sustainably supported in terms of quality, environmental protection, occupational safety and energy efficiency through on-the-job training and targeted further training. Error prevention has clear priority over error elimination and we see the improvement of operational processes as an ongoing process. We are committed to complying with the applicable legal obligations and to the continuous improvement of occupational safety, environmental protection and energy efficiency and set measurable targets. Our goals can only be achieved with the involvement of all employees. We do this through targeted training and information measures as well as by defining tasks and responsibilities for all environmentally and energy-relevant areas and processes. We provide the necessary resources and information to achieve our goals.
Our ecological approach begins at the product development stage and takes into account both customer requirements and the conservation of resources. König + Neurath is committed to taking into account the principles of environmental protection, energy efficiency and safety in all production and manufacturing matters and to ensuring optimum use of existing resources when developing new products and production processes.
It is mandatory for us to create a working environment that leads to the lowest possible risk to employees and supports a high level of motivation. Sustainable health is very important to us and is promoted through occupational health management.
Regulated processes ensure that potential damage is reduced to a minimum in the event of environmentally relevant disruptions. Analyses and evaluations of key environmental and energy aspects enable permanent improvements and the decisive step forward towards an ecological future.
Our König + Neurath Code of Conduct regulates and communicates the application of human rights due diligence, the avoidance of discrimination and corruption of any kind, as well as the fundamental rule-compliant behavior of the Executive Board, Supervisory Board and employees of König + Neurath AG.
Open communication with authorities, customers and the public is a matter of course for us.
Karben, 23.08.2023
The Executive Board of König + Neurath AG
GRI Index
GRI: 2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationships
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König + Neurath AG
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Industriestraße 1-3
61184 Karben