König + Neurath AG is a member of a number of associations in order to play an active role in shaping developments in the world of work and discourse in the field of office furniture production. This enables it to react early to new requirements from legislators, customers and business partners, as well as to social trends. Industry associations also represent the interests of their members vis-à-vis political decision-makers and thus make companies heard in the political arena. Associations are also a point of contact for industry-specific issues by pooling expertise and resources. Joining together in associations also facilitates the introduction of uniform industry standards and enables industry-wide collective agreements.
König + Neurath is a member of the following associations:
- Hesse-Thuringia Wood Industry and Plastics Processing Association
- Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- Industry Association Office and Working Environment (IBA) e.V.
- German Design Council
- Trade Association Home and Office e.V.
- Federal Association of Energy Buyers e.V.
- Federal Association for Economics, Transport and Logistics (BWVL) e.V.
- Federal Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics (BME) e.V.
Collective agreement
König + Neurath AG is subject to the provisions of the current collective wage agreement for the wood and plastics processing industry in Hesse, both geographically (state of Hesse) and technically (wood and plastics processing industry). These were concluded between the Hesse-Thuringia Wood and Plastics Processing Industry Association on the one hand and the IG Metall district management in Frankfurt on the other. The collective agreement napplies to the majority of employees at König + Neurath AG. There are no differences between the basic salary and remuneration of male and female employees.
All key labor law issues are clarified in the general collective agreement. These include, for example
- appropriate wages and salaries
- 35-hour week
- 30 days vacation per year (from the 4th year of employment)
Additional special benefits, such as the offer of health promotion measures, are also regulated in other collective agreements.
Supporters of the UN Global Compact
König + Neurath AG has been a participant in the UN Global Compact (UNGC) since March 2016. The UNGC is the world‘s largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. It offers companies a wide range of support for improvements in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environmental and climate protection and the prevention of corruption.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. These are intended to ensure sustainable development worldwide on an economic, social and ecological level.
This document contains all 17 goals for sustainable development and the respective activities of König + Neurath AG with which it supports the achievement of the goals. In addition to the 17 main objectives, the comprehensive programmatic framework includes a further 169 sub-objectives that flesh out the main objectives.
EcoVadis Rating
EcoVadis provides companies with comprehensive ratings in the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR). These ratings cover a wide range of non-financial management systems. Performance in the areas of the environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement are taken into account in the assessment. The ratings are presented in easy-to-read score cards with scores from zero to one hundred and medals (bronze, silver, gold and platinum). They also highlight strengths and potential for change so that action plans for improving CSR performance can be derived from them.
König + Neurath has its CSR performance assessed annually by EcoVadis in order to demonstrate its achievements and standards in the area of corporate social responsibility. In the reporting period, König + Neurath achieved Gold status in both 2022 and 2023, placing it in the top 5% of companies assessed.
Membership of the Environmental Alliance Hesse
The Environmental Alliance Hesse is a project of the state government. Its aim is to safeguard the high environmental standard in Hessen and at the same time to improve the framework conditions for environmentally compatible economic development in Hessen. König + Neurath is a founding member of the initiative, which was launched in May 2000.
Signatories of the Initiative for Responsible, Sustainable Business in Hesse
The Charter of the Initiative for Responsible, Sustainable Business translates the three dimensions of sustainability, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs) and the guiding principles of the Hessian Sustainability Strategy. König + Neurath has been a signatory to the charter since 2024.
GRI Index
GRI: 2-28Membership in associations and interest groups
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König + Neurath AG
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Industriestraße 1-3
61184 Karben